Smash limiting beliefs quickly and effectively, to free yourself from the mental and emotional blocks that stop you from being your best you.


ThetaHealing is a cutting-edge healing tool that allows you to connect to the source - the Creator of all that is - to work at a deep level to shift emotional blocks and limiting beliefs that have come to us through life’s knocks (real or imagined), ancestral DNA or past life trauma.

When you allow something bigger than yourself to work through you, profound changes can and do happen. People who have been working on issues for years can suddenly experience big breakthroughs and transformations.

ThetaHealing also helps everyone awaken and access their own intuitive abilities, to be able to heal themselves, their friends and families, and the planet.

Do you wonder why is it some people just seem to have ALL the luck?

No matter what they turn their attention to, it always seems to work out for them. Money, love, and opportunities all seem to just land in their laps as if they were charmed.

The truth is we are ALL created equal with the exact same ability to achieve and create our best ever life. What stands between those who do and those who don’t are the beliefs held in our energetic bodies.

“If you think you can, you are right. If you think you can’t, you are right.” - Henry Ford.

And what shapes those beliefs are our experiences, primarily those had during the formative years between birth and the age of 7, but add to that all the knocks and knockdowns of life (real or perceived), and you can start to accumulate a whole encyclopedia of reasons why you can’t have or do what you really want.

How does THETA HEALING work?

Re-write the Faulty Programming

✔ During a ThetaHealing session, the client is taken into a meditative, theta brainwave state where emotions, old programming, and fears are stored on an energetic level.

✔ Together, the practitioner and client work to dig deep and tease out the memories and beliefs that create the reality that doesn’t serve them.

✔ Once the emotional blocks and core limiting beliefs have been identified, they can be released and replaced with new positive beliefs and emotions.

Some of the areas ThetaHealing can help bring immediate resolution to include but are not limited to:

✔ Fears and Phobias,

✔ Resentments and Regrets

✔ Grief and Sadness

✔ Addictions

✔ Anxiety and Stress Management

✔ Low Self-esteem and Confidence

✔ Physical, Mental, and Emotional Trauma

✔ Physical Illness

✔ Manifesting - Abundance and Wealth, Ideal Career, Life Partner/Soulmate

"The amount of time it takes to get from where you are to where you want to be is only the amount of time it takes you to change the vibration within you. Instant manifestation could be yours if you could instantly change your vibration."

— Abraham Hicks

Whether you know it or not, our every emotion and subsequent action is dictated by our vibrational frequency.

When you’re feeling light, happy, full of love, curiosity, and adventure, you’re vibrating at a high frequency and everything in your life, including your health, will be humming.

On the other hand, when it feels like you’re dragging your feet through six feet of mud and feelings of hurt, anger, resentment, guilt or fear dominate, your defenses will be down because you’ll be operating at a low vibration and you’ll be leaving yourself wide open to everything nasty going around (energetic, pathogenic as well as the two-legged kinds).

ThetaHealing helps us identify our energetic blocks, and replace negative beliefs and feelings with equal and opposite positive replacements, lifting vibration to an all-time high instantaneously, to create a fertile garden of endless possibilities.

Hi, I’m Marianne

Advanced ThetaHealer

Do you feel as though there’s a life you should be living that doesn’t remotely resemble the life you’re in right now?

People who may have been working on things for years can suddenly experience huge breakthroughs after even just one ThetaHealing session.

Sessions are remote via ZOOM or over the phone and generally last between 1 and 1.5 hours.

Book a ThetaHealing Session

for yourself or for your dear one.

Mode: Online [Zoom or Voice Call - as per your preference]

Duration: 1 - 1.5 hours

If you feel there’s a life you should be living that doesn’t remotely resemble the life you’re in right now OR you know what’s holding you back, but no matter what you’ve tried, nothing seems to make any difference - you are still stuck right where you don’t want to be.

It’s more than likely your attempts to create the life you want are being thwarted by a whole raft of limiting beliefs and emotional and energetic blocks.

ThetaHealing is a revolutionary approach to getting to the core of unsupportive beliefs and emotional blocks quickly and efficiently, where they can be released and positive feelings and emotions downloaded in their place.

You can experience huge breakthroughs after even just one ThetaHealing session.

ThetaHealing 1:1 Session
Book a Session